Health & Safety

You would think that one-on-one training would cost a fortune and be time-consuming to organise. Well, it isn’t! Our one-on-one tutor led interactive online training goes at precisely the pace required by each individual. It provides an opportunity to go over the learning content as often as required so every employee gets the optimum learning experience that’ll be retained and applied to keep your business safe and compliant.

At a fraction of the cost and fraction of management time than you’d expect, this health & safety online training has the added bonus of a minimal loss of productivity because it’s really efficient and flexible.

Accident Investigation

course158 Pattern recognitionThis course will give you the information you need to effectively analyze an accident event by uncovering the cause of the injury, and the immediate, underlying and root causes of the accident. You'll also develop the skills needed to analyze and evaluate your Safety Management System (SMS) for root causes. Beyond this you'll see why the question of fault and possible discipline is often irrelevant and inappropriate when conducting an accident investigation.teams.

Duration 90 mins* - $60.00

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Active Shooter

course199 Pattern recognitionThis online course encourages proactive thinking and awareness while providing practical safety advice and strategies for active shooter situations. All tactics and procedures are based on currently accepted guidelines, bearing in mind each active shooter situation is completely different.

Duration 60 mins* - $60.00

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Back Injury Prevention

course173 Pattern recognitionIn this course, we'll cover the major issue of back pain and injuries, including how injuries happen, and how they can be treated and prevented.

Duration 90 mins* - $60.00

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course172 Pattern recognitionThis online course covers major issues relating to biohazards in the workplace.

Duration 90 mins* - $60.00

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Bloodborne Pathogens

course154 Pattern recognitionThis course contains valuable, life-saving information for anyone likely to be exposed to blood or potentially infectious bodily fluids at work. Even if you're not normally exposed to blood or bodily fluids, this course will increase your understanding of the issues, should you ever have to deal with a workplace accident or emergency. Please be aware that this course contains simulated depictions of injuries that are relevant to the topic and are intended to support the learning.

Duration 60 mins* - $60.00

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Confined Space Entrant, Attendant and Supervisor

course155 Pattern recognitionThis course covers the identification, classification, control, monitoring, and rescue requirements for confined spaces in the workplace, in line with Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) standards.

Duration 90 mins* - $100.00

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Crystalline Silica Safety

course166 Pattern recognitionThis online course will increase understanding and offer practical advice to help deal with the hazards caused by silica dust in the workplace.

Duration 60 mins* - $70.00

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Demolition Safety

course185 Pattern recognitionThis Demolition Safety course starts with basic definitions, then describes OSHA regulations along with demolition risks and the current trends in demolition such as remote controls machines, recycling and sustainability. Please be aware that this course contains animated depictions of accidents and injures, these are used to illustrate the importance of the training and the seriousness of incidents that can occur.

Duration 60 mins* - $60.00

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Eye and Face Protection

course234 Pattern recognitionThis course provides you with an introduction to eye and face protection in the workplace.

Duration 30 mins* - $35.00

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Fall Protection

course165 Pattern recognitionThis course is designed to cover fall protection basics and how to stay safe while working at height.

Duration 60 mins* - $60.00

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Fire Prevention

course193 Pattern recognitionThis course covers key aspects of fire safety and prevention in the workplace.

Duration 90 mins* - $50.00

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Hazard Communication

course161 Pattern recognitionThis course covers the key aspects of Hazard Communication - or HazCom - and shows how a HazCom programme can protect the health and safety of workers using chemicals in US industry.

Duration 120 mins* - $70.00

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Job Hazard Analysis

course160 Pattern recognitionThis course focuses on Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) as a way of identifying workplace hazards before they can cause accidents or illnesses.

Duration 90 mins* - $60.00

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Ladder Safety

course164 Pattern recognitionThis online course shows the actions you need to take to ensure the safe use of ladders and stepladders in the workplace.

Duration 90 mins* - $50.00

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Lock Out / Tag Out (LOTO)

course157 Pattern recognitionThis course provides an overview of Lockout/tagout (LOTO) - the safety practices and procedures that ensure dangerous machines are properly shut off during service, repair or maintenance.

Duration 60 mins* - $60.00

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Machine Guarding

course163 Pattern recognitionThe course will cover everything you need to know about keeping your machines safe. Exposure to unguarded or inadequately guarded machines can cause severe injury or death if you operate or maintain machinery. This training session on machine guarding includes essential information about protecting yourself against serious injury when working with powerful machines.

Duration 60 mins* - $60.00

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Recording and Reporting to OSHA

course169 Pattern recognitionIn this course you'll learn how to record workplace injuries and illness to meet the requirements of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). Please be aware that this course contains detailed descriptions of injuries to clarify the kinds of injuries that are recordable or reportable.

Duration 60 mins* - $70.00

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Slips, Trips and Falls

course230 Pattern recognitionThis course covers Slips, Trips, and Falls, the injuries they can cause in the workplace, and the safety controls and systems that can be put in place.

Duration 60 mins* - $35.00

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Struck by Hazards

course247 Pattern recognitionThis course is part of OSHA’s Focus Four topics, Struck-By Hazards in the Construction industry. The course starts by diving into the fundamental concepts of struck-by hazards on construction sites, their prevalence, and the importance of recognizing them to ensure safety.

Duration 60 mins* - $35.00

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Trenching and Excavating Safely

course167 Pattern recognitionThis online course will provide valuable information on the key safety aspects of trenching and excavation. When you've finished the course, you will understand the serious issues raised, and be able to play your part in ensuring a safer work environment.

Duration 120 mins* - $100.00

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Workplace Violence

course168 Pattern recognitionThis course deals with violence and sexual harassment in the workplace. It'll provide statistics showing the extent of workplace violence, before examining perpetrator profiles and the industries and jobs where the risk is highest. Please be aware that this course discusses sensitive topics including sexual harassment, violence and rape.

Duration 90 mins* - $55.00

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*The course duration is based on the amount of video content shown and is rounded off. It does not account in any way for loading time or thinking time on the questions.

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