Bloodborne Pathogens

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This course contains valuable, life-saving information for anyone likely to be exposed to blood or potentially infectious bodily fluids at work.

Even if you’re not normally exposed to blood or bodily fluids, this course will increase your understanding of the issues, should you ever have to deal with a workplace accident or emergency.

It starts by describing the three primary bloodborne pathogens and you’ll learn about the symptoms and the methods of treatment, including the Hepatitis B vaccine procedure.

There’ll be coverage of how the Code of Federal Regulations applies to bloodborne pathogens in the workplace, and the way they’re enforced by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).

It’ll then look at how the pathogens are transmitted and how they can be translated into an Exposure Control Plan, or ECP.

You’ll also find practical advice on decontamination procedures, blood-spill clean-up and the correct method of disposing of biochemical hazards and contaminated needles and sharp objects.

The course will highlight safe work practices, including general precautions, Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) and glove hygiene.

Finally, there’s a valuable guide to dealing effectively with a workplace exposure incident, including post-exposure evaluation, hand-washing, sanitization and safe disposal.

Please be aware that this course contains simulated depictions of injuries that are relevant to the topic and are intended to support the learning.

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What Will You Learn?

  • You will be able to recognize and identify Bloodborne Pathogens
  • Understand the methods of transmission
  • Apply decontamination procedures
  • Understand precaution techniques.

Course Content

Bloodborne Pathogens

  • Introduction
  • Transmission of Pathogens
  • Decontamination Procedures
  • Dealing With an Exposure Incident

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