Recording and Reporting to OSHA

About Course
In this course, you’ll learn how to record workplace injuries and illnesses to meet the requirements of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). The course will explain the OSHA regulations covering the recording and reporting of workplace injuries and illnesses. It’ll also examine the benefits of reporting, and explain the exemptions. There’ll be a focus on the three main OSHA recordkeeping forms – and how to complete them successfully. We’ll also look at Privacy Concern Cases, minor injuries, and the regulations regarding the submission of annual summaries. You’ll see how the forms can be managed over multiple locations. We’ll explain the deadlines and submission methods that should be observed when sending records to OSHA, along with the length of time records must be saved. You’ll learn how to identify and manage situations which qualify for exemption from the rules. Finally, we’ll explain how to calculate and manage Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR) and Days Away, Restricted or Transferred (DART), and the effect these important rates can have on your business. Please be aware that this course contains detailed descriptions of injuries to clarify the kinds of injuries that are recordable or reportable.
Course Content
Recording and Reporting to OSHA
Recordkeeping Forms
Reporting Injuries to OSHA
Calculate and Manage TRIR, and (DART)